My heart is getting smaller by the day...... tighter, sadder, in anticipation of what is ahead. Two more months to some, to more weeks to others, but the goodbyes are almost here.
We will be getting on the 'band wagon', heading home to our friends and family that have so patiently been waiting for us for the past 12 years. Kids are excited of having grandmas, grandpas, cousins and uncles/aunts around, being able to run free at grandma's house, being able to live in a house, have a yard and ride their bikes up and down. We are excited too...
... But oh so nervous. A huge part of us will be staying behind. Bernardo and Miguel's friends from school, we will miss you. Moms and Dads at the school gate, I will miss you. Ms. Trista and Ms. Karen, you are my heroes and we will miss you tremendously. I hope Miguel continuous to walk around the house asking for Lucia and Lila for a while. I hope Bernardo keeps very close to his heart his memories with buddies Victoria and Jay.
Miami was a stranger to me for so long.... and somewhere in these past 8 years it became home. Our kids were born here, took their first steps here, spoke their first words here, made their first impression in life and friends here. Fred and I married here (although looking back and at the pictures we both looked so scared and unsure of what we were doing!), bought our first home here and
really fell in love here. But at the end of the day, this has been home to us because of the few and close friends that we, as a family, have been able to form.
Christine, although you feel you're surrounded by chaos, you have always been in inspiration to me. You are always capable of picking up the pieces at the end of the day and head out to the park, the beach or whatever with your kids so you all can enjoy each other's company. You're there for them day and night, and the love you feel for both Liv and Jay we are all able to feel it from a mile away :)
Erna and Bjorn, I love you both. For the sincerity, for the good laughs, for being here, there and everywhere. I love you Erna for all that you feel and not always tell; and Bjorn for all that you tell no matter what. I will miss our outings, our dinners, our jokes.
Actually...... I think I miss you all already.