Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Payback time

I was 22 years old, had just graduated from college and had a broken heart. Wanted to get out of the city at any cost, meet new people, explore new territories, fall in love again. Destination? Halifax, Nova Scotia, who took me with open arms and changed my life.

The deal? Spend two years on that slice of the world so full of warm and inviting people, complete my MBA, drink beer, party like I had never partied before but also study harder than what I had previously done in 4.5 years in school. After that it would be time to go home, to go back to mom and dad and to help in the family business.

Well, that was 12 years ago. I guess I have no more excuses to my dear dad, who turns 70 now in September and who has been waiting for me so patiently for all this time without asking much of me.

Dad, I am coming home tomorrow. My heart has been fixed, my diploma is on the wall, I have two of the most gorgeous boys in the entire world making this trip with me and a partner in crime that completes me.

Thank you for waiting.

Love you,

1 comentários:

Anonymous said...

Oi Magui, tudo bem? :)
Só queria deixar aqui registrado um oi, e meu blog também, sinta-se a vontade para visitá-lo, fiz a pouco tempo.

Beijos em todos vocês, Amandica.

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