Monday, October 12, 2009

A month to remember

These past two weeks have been great. Bernardo turned 3 and got 2 birthday parties, we got to go to Brazil to see our family, my grandpa turned 87 and we all helped him blow his candles :) Really, isn't that the meaning of life?? Forget the fancy car, the big house and all those other crazy dreams we all have. When push comes to shovel there's nothing else that matters but being close to those you love. Period.

Here is Bernardo with all his friends from school at his 3 Years Bday Party, watching a puppet show
Be blowing his candles with the help of Max :)

Bernardo's Bday take 2! Here in Brazil with all of our family at my parents' house. Look at granpa how proud with all his grandkids and great grandkids!

Be in odd, watching everybody singing happy birthday at his Spiderman party in Brazil - not sure if the shock was because he didn't know we had a family this big or because he didn't understand the birthday song being sang in Portuguese!!

Enjoying his spiderman cake next morning for breakfast. Yummy :)

Now it was my grandpa's turn.... his 87th birthday at my uncle's house with the family all around him plus this pretty panama hat cake

He was so excited!!!!!!

Bernardo enjoying his time at gramma's house in Brazil with his favorite ride: Nei's tractor!!! Uncle Gui tagged along....

Running back and forth, enjoying his liberty and spacious grounds!

Miguelito throwing/licking every single rock he could get his hands on.... always with that brat smile on his face that nobody could ever resist!!

Be gettting ready (meaning naked) to go jump in the COLD FREEZING pool

From the cold pool to the warm outdoor tub... or Juca's shower (the dog) as he calls it.

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