Saturday, October 17, 2009

Super Heroes

Just for those of you wondering......... super heroes still live strong under my roof. One day is Mr. Incredible, the other Spiderman, Superman or maybe Super Why. Whatever the hero may be, it's just a pleasure to see my little man get into this magical world and live it like there is no tomorrow. A kid's imagination is so powerful that Bernardo pretended to be invisible at the doctor's office while they gave him the flu shot....... and he literally did not feel a thing :)

We are also taking advantage of all the costumes out there for Halloween: buying capes, masks and all that polyester-long-sleeves-super-hot-costumes left and right! Like Be told me this week while at the store: "oh my lord mommy, this is my favorite! and look, it says 'Bernardo'"

I simply cannot resist :)

Mr. Incredible

Super Miguelito
Super Why

Sharing his costumes with BFF Jay
Super cape

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