Thursday, April 8, 2010

Adios Mystic Pointe

Sooooooo much has happened during this past few weeks that, although blogging has been on my mind, I just never got to it. Between just being plain busy with life in general, I had a big medical scare, had surgery (all is well), hubby went to Brazil, sold my dear condo and moved into a new/full of stairs temporary house. Argh... just the thought of all this gets me tired - not to mentioned that I still haven't finished unpacking but already feel like throwing up just with the sight of another brown box :(((

Today was our closing and I have to say we will miss Mystic Pointe tremendously. It was our first place,  the place where we brought the kids home when they were born and where they took their first steps. Those who have been there can attest: it was a real home. Seeing it empty and lacking it's soul was a bit sad... but we will keep all the memories from that place close to our hearts. Like Aunt Eleanor would say, "So Long"!!

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